Devi Group - Meditation and Life Part 2
Online Sessions - Tuesdays


Date: Sep 24, 2024 - Jun 03, 2025

Time: 11:45 AM - 01:00 PM EST

Weekday: Tuesday

  • Attendee(s): FREE


Brahmacharini Shubhani Chaitanya will be conducting Vedanta Study Group online via Zoom video conferencing. The Zoom link to join the online session will be sent to registered participants. 


In this text, Swami Chinmayananda takes us through the thought process necessary to gain control of our inner world. In part two of this text, we will be studying the practical application of this theory of meditation. Swami Chinmayananda takes us through the concrete techniques that we can perform to start, strengthen, and maintain our sadhanas in our daily lives. Through this process, we will strengthen our ability to control our inner world and reach new depths in our spiritual progress. When meditation becomes natural to us, we truly transform, remaining calm and still amidst the dynamic and changing world.

This class is for women seekers of all ages and backgrounds combining elements of discourse and discussion.  It's a safe and sacred space to explore Vedantic texts as it relates to the life of women. 
Follow the link below to purchase book,

Additional Information:

What is the discipline required for this satsang?

-Although you may be at your homes, please consider this a sacred satsang and find a silent spot to listen to the discourses. No food/drink/phones etc during satsang. In other words, no distractions whatsoever

-Please keep yourself on mute the entire time

-Please ensure that your video camera is on so that we can see you

-Please ensure your first name and last name is clearly mentioned so we know who you are.


If you have further questions,



The first part of this text was studied last year. The second part will deal with practical techniques for spiritual sadhana and is open to anyone who has a background on Vedanta.

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